Much like mobile gaming as a whole, the popular MOBA game Vainglory for mobile devices by Super Evil MegaCorp is entering that awkward adolescent age between the awe of childhood, and the gritty reality of adulthood. … [Read more...]
Meta: Solo Queue Communication
With the ever changing combat of the Fold, it's hard to stay on top of what the current hero metas are because as soon as one thing is running smoothly, someone discovers a counter. However, one thing that doesn't change is the need for communication. At lower tiers it's possible to ignore allies and still win. At higher tiers it's nay impossible. You can have the best team … [Read more...]
Choosing Wisely: Team Comps and Role Clarification
You’re at the selection screen. You soft-pick Ringo, your mates do the same with Adagio and Ardan. You think to yourself this is a good team comp; you can slow them with Achilles Shot, Ardan can drop his Gauntlet forcing the enemy team into Adagio’s Verse of Judgement. Twenty-five minutes later and you’re staring at a Defeat screen. Your opponents weren’t exceptional, both … [Read more...]
Spectator Mode Wish List from a Future Shoutcaster
MOBAs are new and fascinating to me. Having recently picked up VainGlory, I dove right in, quickly climbing the ranks where I plateaued at The Hotness. That isn’t to say I won’t be able to still move up, but for now I’m okay with where I’m at. I’ve always been better at talking about games than playing them anyway. … [Read more...]
Ardan – Lore Update
Super Evil Megacorp has posted another teaser of the lore behind their new hero Ardan. The lore suggests some interesting abilities for this hero. • Imbued with healing power - Possible increased regen rate / team regen • Power Gauntlet - Possible AoE ground pound ability / Ranged punch. • Slow Movement - Due to the heavy armor and the fact that he is carrying his … [Read more...]