Hey there! Welcome to this.. Unusual post here on VainShame. This is going to be a series of posts where I break down the Vainglory Hero Lore given to us by SugarVenom and make sense of it. Think of it as a food critic critiquing a meal, only my meal is these stories. Join me, will you?
Skye’s Promise (Skye, Part One)
This Edition’s Piece.
This bit of lore starts off promising. An amazing start to this saga, the first line, ‘You aren’t supposed to be here today..’, is completely capable of pulling someone in for the rest of the story.
The next long bit of the story is also pretty well written. This bit truly shows you where her strafing ability comes from, dismantling the mechs and removing pieces to make them faster, hence the strafing, and her abilities coming from the modifications she makes to the mechs. Very well done.
In comes the mother. My one complaint with this part is that it feels so rushed in, immediately moving away from the mechs and into this beauty queen type thing. Anyways..
Skye’s mother comes in, along with some stylist and a makeup bot to prepare her for the ’tiles’, a way of letting families pick brides for their sons, from what i got from it. Anyway, lots of poking and prodding is done, and the lore ends on a sort-of cliffhanger.
I have no doubt that the future stories in Skye’s Saga will be amazing just like this one. I give this lore a final rating of 7/10, mainly because of the beauty scene being rushed in. Other than that, it was brilliant!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Edition of Vainglory Lore Review. I’m Captainpewd, and next time there is some lore released, you can bet ill be there to review it! ~Captainpewd
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