The first in-game footage of the new Vainglory hero Rona has been found by @PocketS and @TinkeR
Video Courtesy of Keldegar
What we can glean from this reveal:
We already know that Rona is a Berserker class melee fighter that utilizes a new form of “energy” called Rage. In the video snippet we can see that as Rona causes damage to the minions, she gains energy. We can assume this energy can then be used to activate one or all of her abilities.
It also appear that when she takes damage, she may receive a slight red health barrier?
Unconfirmed Abilities:
A: This appears to be an overhead chop ability, that may inflict a critical hit.
B: This is a gap-closing leap ability. When Rona lands her leap, there appears to be a sort of shockwave effect, and the ground is left damaged and impacted from the leap.
Ult: no clue.
As the release of 1.6 quickly approaches, this is exciting to see. What do you think of Rona, and these potential abilities? Share your thoughts in the comments, or hit me up on Twitter.
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