Hello! My name is Lots. I am the very first Team/Solo Coach/Analyst in Vainglory and I decided I wanted to write articles about the game. This Tier list will be a
mix of competitive and solo queue stand points, but none the less I feel these are
the top 3/4 picks in each role (in order).
Tier List
Brief Patch Rundown
Alright, in patch 1.7 midgame/late game got a huge buff. Invades were nerfed, making less early game powerful heroes more favorable. That’s pretty much the big highlight. Along with the active item change, tanks and bruisers are the way to go in the jungle. This is why we saw A LOT of Glaive and Catherine recently.
I think one of the core strengths a lot of people miss with Glaive is the fact he can build fountain and still be a huge threat. I feel he’s the strongest jungler not only because the beast SCALES HARD, but he can go tanky, full damage, or bruiser. He has amazing engage, and his gank potential with Catherine is just dumb. He gets out of invades really easily with Afterburn and his clear speed is decent. I feel Glaive is the strongest jungler at the moment.
Taka’s nerfs were definitely needed on the WP side. The changes were perfect to me because he’s still very strong, but not over bearing. Taka still scales very well into the mid/late game, has really good gank potential, plus his escape is great for bad situations (similiar to Glaive).
Koshka’s kit is just too strong. In my eyes I think she’s at her most balanced point, but I can see her being the Vox/Ringo of the Jungle. She is, and always will be, extremely relevant. Although she is relevant, early game did get extremely nerfed. This is why I have her lower on the list.
Alright, so now things get interesting. For both Lane and Jungle you see that I have 2 heroes at the bottom of both. These picks are for competitive play. I feel
Krul with the right comp right now is EXTREMELY strong. The reasoning behind this is because a lot of Jungle aggression is going to be happening around level 6 due to mid game heroes being so strong right now. This sets up Krul on a very good path where he can get a lot less interruption in his farming. I do not think Krul is good for SA+ solo queue, but I do feel he’s strong in competitive games with comps being built around him.
This one is pretty simple, not much has changed other than maybe Fortress not
being a top tier pick to me anymore.
Catherine was already a top tier support, but she just got out tempo’d by the early game presence of Fortress and Adagio. Not much to say here, I’ll just sound like a broken record (mid game, late game == OP).
I feel like Adagio has a lot of strengths and relevance throughout the whole game. This is mostly for competitive due to Cath being such a huge ban right now. Adagio has a lot of strengths in the early game, and also the midgame. He only tends to lose a lot of relevance into the late game unless he has a good lead.
To be honest, I’m not too sure about this one. Ardan seems to just lose when going against Adagio and Catherine making support pretty bland at the moment. I don’t feel there will every be a day in patch 1.7 where Adagio and Catherine are banned +making Ardan the pick to go. Nonetheless I feel like he’s better than Fortress at the moment. Rest in peace wolfie.
Vox’s change was so healthy. SEMC has this habbit of trying to get the “best of both worlds” with every hero. Basically they want the game to have variety. Vox,
Taka, Saw, Ringo, Krul, and Rona can all go hybrid. Vox was the first out of
the group to be strictly forced into one way of building, WHICH IS GOOD. People
thought he was gutted after the changes, but no he wasn’t. He basically was just
made a CP carry (due to the heavy reliance on Pulse/Resonance) which is great. His kit will always be extremely strong compared to other laners so unless his numbers get a huge cut, he will always be top 3.
It’s Ringo. He’s always been relevant in each phase of the game, he passes the quadrant theory extremely well. Ringo will always be a good laner.
Celeste is a very strong carry, but her strengths are used only in certain team comps. In solo queue I feel CP Vox will always be better to play (if Taka/Krul gets fed, and you’re playing Celeste, you’re fucked). Although, her AoE damage, stun, and ult are perfect in team fighting so I feel if picked correctly she can surpass Vox in some occasions.
He received an extremely comforting set of buffs this patch and it’s super good to
see. I definitely think Skaarf is really strong right now, but he can only be played to his full potential if picked with the right comp. Basically what I’m saying is he’s only stronger than the other carries in competitive circumstances where counter picking/comps are crucial. IMO.
So that about wraps it up! Thanks for reading. I do personal and team coaching/analyzing, all my contact info is below.
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