As the the Vainglory community was excitedly preparing for a weekend of PAX East announcements and the anticipation of seeing new characters, skins, spectator modes…the list goes on and on – SEMC blindsided everyone by announcing the evening before the show started, that Vainglory would be making it’s way to Android devices by way of a closed beta test.
Signup for the Vainglory Android Beta Here
Of course, within a passionate community such as ours, questions were immediately launched at the developers. How will they be dealing with the open/less secure nature of the android OS to prevent hackers and cheating? Due to the diverse ecosystem of android devices, the issues of map loading and how will they control matches starts.
What are your thoughts on this announcement? What excites you, or concerns you the most? Discuss in the comments below!
Vainshame has been playing Vainglory since December 2014. After falling in love with the game, he started on January 21st, as a site to talk about the game and help bring the player core together in one place.
Press Release
Super Evil Megacorp’s Vainglory Launching Android Closed BetaThe developers of Vainglory, the MOBA perfected for touch that is revolutionizing the genre for mobile devices, today are launching an Android closed beta program. Players interested in jumping into the battle arena early may apply for the closed beta beginning March 5 here, which will be then followed by an open beta program. Vainglory has been praised by fans and critics alike with GamesBeat calling it “gorgeous” and TechCrunch adding that it’s “…a top-notch MOBA.” The game currently boast over 18 thousand five-star reviews on the App Store with players averaging over 75 minutes in the app per day. The beta program makes Vainglory initially available for a limited number of high end NVIDIA, Samsung Galaxy and Google Nexus devices for a small amount of external testers.
“Super Evil Megacorp is bringing stunning visuals and exciting gameplay to Android with Vainglory,” said Keita Iida, Senior Director, Global Content Management at NVIDIA. “SHIELD tablet is the ultimate tablet for gaming and Vainglory is a great example of how amazing games are coming to mobile devices.”
For players interested in checking out Vainglory for Android, Super Evil Megacorp will be hosting demos at the Twitch booth throughout PAX East in Boston from March 6-8.
Vainglory is a MOBA built from the ground up and perfected for touch screens. In the game, two teams of three players go head-to-head in real-time battles. Each player controls a single hero, and must strategize with their team members with the ultimate goal of shattering a giant crystal, known as the Vain, located in the center of their enemy team’s base. Super Evil Megacorp aims to bring true, deep core game experiences to new platforms, including the highs and the lows, the excitement and anticipation, the rage when you lose a match and the feeling of pure joy when you win.
About Super Evil Megacorp
Super Evil Megacorp is a team of masters-at-their-craft game developers from companies including Riot Games, Blizzard Entertainment and Rockstar Games. We strive to be the best home for core-gaming talent, committed to crafting unapologetically core 1,000+ hour gaming experiences for touch screens. The company’s first title is Vainglory, an intense real-time multiplayer battle game perfected for touch and was selected as one the App Store’s Best Apps of 2014. Super Evil Megacorp has raised $15M in funding from backers including General Catalyst, Signia Venture Partners, CrossCut Ventures, Initial Capital, The Raine Group and ZhenFund. For more information, visit and
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