A day late and a dollar short, but here are you VainGlory links of interest from around the web for the week of February 2, 2015.
Update 1.1.7 – Thrown Down the Gauntlet
Ardan Released! – Update 1.1.7 Notes
Arden – Hero Spotlight
New Shatter the Vain Podcast
This week Brad is joined by Commander Alex to discuss the changes in the 1.1.7 Update, including playing your own music, the matchmaker improvements and more. Be sure to check it out.
VainGloryFire Guides:
Skipper587 has updated his Skaarf guide to reflect the recent changes to Fan the Flames and Dragon Breath – Everything’s on Fire
BlueBadger continues to dissect the game with tenacity and a healthy dose of mathematics. Check out
Analysis of 1.1.7 Frostburn Changes
The Hidden Stats – Kraken and Creeps
And in case you missed it before
Complete Guide to Vainglory’s Hidden Stats and Calculations (by an Engineer).
Reddit [Discussions]
There are some great discussions happen over in the VainGlory subreddit:
How individual stats could improve matchmaking – Discussion encouraged
Great break down of the 1.1.7. Update
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