With the ever changing combat of the Fold, it's hard to stay on top of what the current hero metas are because as soon as one thing is running smoothly, someone discovers a counter. However, one thing that doesn't change is the need for communication. At lower tiers it's possible to ignore allies and still win. At higher tiers it's nay impossible. You can have the best team … [Read more...]
Vainglory on Android – Beta Signups
As the the Vainglory community was excitedly preparing for a weekend of PAX East announcements and the anticipation of seeing new characters, skins, spectator modes...the list goes on and on - SEMC blindsided everyone by announcing the evening before the show started, that Vainglory would be making it's way to Android devices by way of a closed beta test. Signup for the … [Read more...]
Weekly Links – March 2, 2015
A return to consistency…the VainGlory links for the week. Update 1.2.0 - Oh, My Stars! Update 1.2.0 includes the new mage, Celeste, new tactical and social communication pings, follower notifications, Matchmaker improvements and important hero and item balance changes. Celeste Released! - Update 1.2.0 Notes Tournaments Vainglory Championship Series Tournament 1 - … [Read more...]
Weekly Links – February 2, 2015
A day late and a dollar short, but here are you VainGlory links of interest from around the web for the week of February 2, 2015. Update 1.1.7 - Thrown Down the Gauntlet Ardan Released! - Update 1.1.7 Notes Media Arden - Hero Spotlight New Shatter the Vain Podcast This week Brad is joined by Commander Alex to discuss the changes in the 1.1.7 Update, including … [Read more...]
NEW Hero – Ardan Live!
With the newly released VainGlory Update 1.1.7 - the new hero Ardan is finally released! Hero Spotlight http://youtu.be/NDKx8m_pfDU Hero Abilities JULIA'S GIFT (HEROIC PERK) Ardan heals for 1% of his missing health every time he takes damage. The healing can never exceed 75% of the damage taken. Instead of energy, Ardan uses a yellow meter called Vengeance. Vengeance … [Read more...]